Hello Pinterest, errr what the?

One of the many things I like about WordPress is the Stats Page.

Screw that.

I love it.

I get to see how many people are visiting this dark, little, twisted, deviant corner of the web that is mine.

I get to see what people are typing into Google and any other such search engines which direct them to your blog (to the person who recently searched for “fat man in tight jeans viewed from behind” Hello, you twisted little person you :))

And I get to see which sites are referring back to mine.

Now normally this is just the usual list of us terribly incestuous PF bloggers who link back to each other, like that small group of friends you had in college, that, well, did each other.

But yesterday I found a new website crop up as a referrer to my blog.

what are you?!!?!?

Actually, 12 referrals from Pinterest.

I have absolutely no idea what it is. I have heard it being referred to by a few bloggers, and also on a few other non-blog websites. But it never really interested me to find out what it was. The referrals though changed all that, and now I am on a mission to work out what exactly “Pinterest” is and does.

Being of the logical mindset, I am going to lay out the plan of attack I created in trying to determine what this website is, and how (and why) it refers to my blog.

STEP 1: Compilation of questions to be answered.

  1. Why is it called Pinterest?
  2. Is it pronounced “pin-terest” or “pee-interest”.
  3. If pronounced the latter, should I be worried about the people who seem to be very enthusiastic about the site, or should I accept the fact that every one has their own weird fetish and let each of us go to hell in their own handbasket?
  4. What do you actually do on this site?
  5. Why is this site referring to my blog?
  6. Why is it all of a sudden referring to my blog after I posted my Valentines Day post?

Step 2: Ask those who seem to be using the site, to explain what it actually is.

So Over Debt says “Actually my recent post was about why I refuse to use Pinterest, so I’m afraid I won’t be much help. :)” this is why I suck at journalism.

Step 3: Actually go into site and see for myself

This is on the very top of their homepage:

Pinterest is an online pinboard.
Organize and share things you love.

Maybe I should’ve gone with this in the first place. Sorry Andrea in Step 2!

Step 4: Analysis

Essentially that quote from the website answers questions 1 through to 4.

  1. Why is it called Pinterest? it’s a conglomeration of the words “pinboard” and “interest”
  2. Is it pronounced “pin-terest” or “pee-interest”? from the answer above I’m going to go with “pin-terest”
  3. If pronounced the latter, should I be worried about the people who seem to be very enthusiastic about the site, or should I accept the fact that every one has their own weird fetish and let each of us go to hell in their own handbasket? well since it’s the former I really don’t need to worry. But I’ll go with everyone has their own weird fetish anyway.
  4. What do you actually do on this site? well, “you organize and share the things you love.”

But what about question 5 and question 6???

5. Why is this site referring to my blog? 

Since this site mainly deals with pictures, I am guessing that there is a picture on my blog that those referrals have been linking to.

6. Why is it all of a sudden referring to my blog after I posted my Valentines Day post?

Well, since we’ve established that it is a picture that is causing all the referrals from Pinterest, and I have had no referrals from Pinterest before the Valentines Day post. We must now assume that it is the picture found in the Valentines Day post, that these people are linking into, and therefore “love”.

Step 5: Conclusion

Now, that we have established the facts, there really is only one conclusion available to us:

12 people on Pinterest love a baboons butt shaped like a heart.

For those sickos out there....

So for those people, I’ve posted the picture again, cause well it’s pretty sick and twisted and what can I say, I like sick and twisted.

Screw that.

love it.


Editors Note: Yes I know that my argument is choc-a-block full of flawed logic, incorrect assumptions, glaringly obvious experimental errors and plot holes large enough that even George “lets-make-the-Star-Wars-prequels-so-bad-that-true-fans-must-deny-their-existence-for-the-sake-of-their-sanity” Lucas could spot them. But to those people who want to point that out, I only have one thing to say to you:


12 responses to “Hello Pinterest, errr what the?

  1. I see your kumquat and raise it a kohlrabi.

  2. Oooh you got pinned! Lucky boy!

  3. As a self-respecting male, I cannot visit that site. But I did put a Pinterest share button on my site. Don’t think it’s been used yet.

    • I know what you mean, it seems to be one of the many corners of the internet that has been claimed by the fairer sex. Not that there’s anything wrong with that… it does however make me feel old. I remember the days that you could confidently say “there are no girls on the internets” and only ostracize about 5% of the population of whatever site you were on.

  4. I’ve resisted checking out Pinterest for the longest time, mostly because I think I’ll like it and I’ll have another hobby that will consume all of my time. By the way, what does PF stand for? I feel like it’s obvious and I’m just having a blonde moment (I’m not actually blonde).

    • I’m not really sure what the big deal is, the (albeit limited) time I spent on the site, it was just a lot of people posting pics and a lot of other people liking them. But girls seem to like the whole “liking” thing, I think.
      As for PF, lol it’s “Personal Finance” which is what this blog started off as, and promptly stopped being, cause well there’s only so many ways I can say. “I’m in debt – but I am paying it off” without annoying myself.
      And thanks for that comment, it made me lol even though it was Monday morning and I was still in bed =D

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